Focusing on audiovisual performances, Digilogue hosts Turkish premieres of many local and international artists.
It will be presented by performance artist Leman S. Darıcıoğlu, who will perform with the direction of artificial intelligence, in a home-like atmosphere that is to be created in Digilogue Space .
Suspendisse eu ligula ultrices, sollicitudin velit ac, cursus felis. Sed convallis nulla eget diam efficitur, vel suscipit lectus blandit. Donec sed cursus nisi, eget vehicula turpis. Fusce vel interdum sem, sed congue ex. Phasellus placerat ornare justo in ultricies. In eu orci quis tortor fermentum malesuada vel vitae risus. Cras euismod magna sed congue facilisis.
Nonotak, a visual art and performance projects collective led by visual artist Noemi Schipfer and musician, architect Takami Nakamoto, is giving the world premiere of their new work titled Eclipse at the opening of Narrow exhibition in Istanbul!
Sónar, one of the world's most important electronic music festivals, has just turned 25. The Istanbul leg of the festival was organized for the first time last year and made a tremendous impact. The festival, which was held again on 6-7 April this year at Zorlu PSM, brought together many names from musicians, academics, researchers and scientists who are producing music.
Explore the pitchfork beyond the machine by taking a driverless taxi ride through a network of software systems, autonomous infrastructures, ghostly structures, anomalies, defects and standalone images, joining the speculative architect Liam Young and an all-seeing smart city operating system.